Flagship Project 3

Digital transition in the decarbonization process and in waste recycling process


Lead industry: Maire Tecnimont S.p.A. 
Universities and EPR: Sapienza Università di Roma, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Università LUISS, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, CNR – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.
Industries and other entities: ACEA S.p.A., Almaviva S.p.A.

Strategic specialization areas: EnT; DgT.

The main aim of the project is to study how digital technologies can help to better industrialize waste recycling processes and plants by making them sustainable and innovative, while promoting the creation and activation of circular districts.
Main research and technological innovation lines are:

  1. the development of a predictive model based on artificial intelligence to predict the characteristics of incoming waste as feedstock in order to pilot its delivery chain;
  2. the selection and advanced characterization of waste to map its origin and characteristics;
  3. the tracking and advanced characterization of recycled products to enable circular economy clusters;
  4. the development of innovative and sustainable low TRL technologies, processes and materials for the recycling and reuse of waste materials (e.g. recovery of critical elements and rare earths from waste, etc.)
  5. the development of a voluntary certification system, based on blockchain technology, aimed at placing “plastic credits” on the market with a scheme similar in principle to that of “carbon permits or credits”;
  6. the advanced and predictive monitoring of the environmental impact of waste recycling plants.


  • Flagship Coordinator: Ezio Pasqualon – ezio.pasqualon@mairetecnimont.it
  • Institutional Referee: Fabrizio Di Amato – fabrizio.diamato@mairetecnimont.it
  • Scientific Referee: Carlo Nicolais – carlo.nicolais@mairetecnimont.it
  • Administrative Referee: Michela D’Ambrosio – michela.dambrosio@mairetecnimont.it
  • Communication Manager: Massimo Dapoto – massimo.dapoto@mairetecnimont.it