Flagship Project 2

Energy transition and digital transition in urban regeneration and construction

Lead industry: Coima REM S.r.l.
Universities and EPR: Sapienza Università di Roma, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Università degli Studi Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Università LUISS, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, CNR – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, ENEA, INFN Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Industries and other entities: Almaviva S.p.A., BV-Tech S.p.A.

This project focuses on development and application of digital and green technologies to urban regeneration and building construction, according to the green city approach which assumes ecological quality as a strategic priority in order to ensure sustainability and resilience of programs and intervention projects in the era of the climate crisis, soil scarcity and other natural resources.

The project cover all aspects of the open-innovation chain including:

  1. Technology development and innovation aimed at implementing digital transition and zero-emission in construction and urban regeneration;
  2. Scale-up of technology in order to enhance TRL of these technologies and apply it to the design of the new campus and headquarter of Rome Technopole, as a case-study for technology exploitation;
  3. Development of a model of sustainable mobility integrated in the project of green urban regeneration;
  4. Educational and training activities on these technologies to be integrated as “minor” courses in the existing ones.
  5. Outreach and public engagement aimed at disseminating the culture of digital transition and green technology for urban regeneration in society


  • Flagship Coordinator: Alessandra Bellioni – alessandra.bellioni@coima.it
  • Institutional Referee: Manfredi Catella – raffaella.degaetano@coimasgr.com, federica.basile@coimasgr.com
  • Administrative Referee: Sofia Destrobel – destrobel.sofia@gmail.com
  • Communication Manager: Lorenzo Barbato – lorenzo.barbato@coimasgr.com