1 Feb 2024

Rome Technopole Foundation meets the Partners

As announced during the last meeting of the Foundation's General Assembly, the Strategic Management kicks off the cycle of meetings with Partners. The objectives of the initiative are to consolidate relations within the framework of the PNRR MUR - M4C2 project - Investment 1.5 - Notice "Ecosystem...

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22 Dec 2023

Cascade Call for Support of Research&Development Projects – Spoke 3

Università degli Studi Roma Tre, as leader of Spoke 3 - University education, industrial PhD courses, internationalisation - ha published the Cascade Call for Support of R&D Projects, under the ECS Rome Technopole project, funded by the PNRR Mission 4 "Education and Research", Component 2 "Fro...

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14 Dec 2023

Deadline extended for Cascade Call – Spoke 5

We inform you that, by Rectoral Decree No. 585/2023 dated 12/14/2023, the deadline for the submission of project proposals for the Cascade Call for Support of Collaborative R&D Projects - Spoke 5 has been extended.  The new deadline is set at 2 p.m. on January 15, 2024....

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2 Nov 2023

Cascade Call for Support of Collaborative R&D Projects – Spoke 5

Università degli studi della Tuscia, as the leader of Spoke 5, has published the Cascade Call for Proposals for the support of Collaborative R&D Projects under the ECS Rome Technopole project, funded by the PNRR Mission 4 "Education and Research," Component 2 "From Research to Enterprise," Inve...

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10 Oct 2023

Cascade Call for projects in Collaborative Research – Spoke 1 and 6

The Cascade Call from Sapienza for Collaborative Research Projects under the ECS Rome Technopole - Spoke 1 and Spoke 6 project, funded by PNRR Mission 4 Component 2 "From Research to Enterprise" - Investment 1.5, has been published. The call aims to fund Research and Development Projects, propose...

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