30 Sep 2024

Public call for the identification of the Scientific Director of the Rome Technopole Foundation to serve as Research Manager of the Rome Technopole project

A procedure has been launched by the President of the Rome Technopole Foundation to recruit the Scientific Director of the Foundation, acting as the Research Manager of the “Rome Technopole” Project - ECS code 00000024 - CUP: B83D21014170006, financed by the PNRR M4C2' Inv. 1.5. The person se...

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14 Feb 2024

Presentation of COIMA REM activities – Flagship Project 2

As part of Coima REM's activities within Rome Technopole and Flagship Project 2, on 23 February 2024 will be held an event in Rome at the Sala Nervi of the Faculty of Architecture of the Università degli Studi Roma Tre - Ex Mattatoio (accessible from two entrances: Piazza Orazio Giustiniani or ...

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13 Feb 2024

Invitation to the Rome Technopole Research Conference

The Rome Technopole Foundation has the pleasure of inviting you on Monday 18 March from 9 a.m. in the Aula Magna of the Sapienza Rectorate to the conference: Applied Research, Technological Development, Innovation and Research Infrastructures, a major conference on the results of research with speci...

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9 Feb 2024

Call for participation in the Rome Technopole Research Conference – 18 March 2024

On the occasion of the project's mid-term date, the organisation of "Applied Research, Technological Development, Innovation and Research Infrastructures", a major conference on research results with specific focus on the topics of Energy Transition, Digital Transition, Health and Bio-Pharma, has be...

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9 Feb 2024

Request for contributions for Rome Technopole brochure FP7 – L5 (New Agents for Infection Control)

In the context of the second meeting of the COST ACTION [CA21145-EURESTOP] European Network for diagnosis and treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections, which will be held in Lecture Hall A of the Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies, Sapienza University of Rome, on 2...

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1 Feb 2024

Rome Technopole Foundation meets the Partners

As announced during the last meeting of the Foundation's General Assembly, the Strategic Management kicks off the cycle of meetings with Partners. The objectives of the initiative are to consolidate relations within the framework of the PNRR MUR - M4C2 project - Investment 1.5 - Notice "Ecosystem...

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24 Jan 2024

Appointment of the Administrative Manager

The new Administrative Manager of the Rome Technopole Foundation has been appointed. He is Dr. Giorgio Di Giorgio, in office since 25/01/2024, whom we welcome!  ...

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15 Jan 2024

Appointment of the General Director

The new General Director of the Rome Technopole Foundation has been appointed. She is Dr. Sabrina Saccomandi, in office since 16/01/2024, whom we welcome! The email reference is: direzionegenerale@rometechnopole.it  ...

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4 Jan 2024

Appointment of the Evaluation Commission for the Administrative Manager

We inform you that a Commission has been appointed to evaluate the applications submitted in reference to Public Notice no. 19/2023, for the identification of the Administrative Manager of the Rome Technopole Foundation. The complete Deliberation is attached....

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27 Dec 2023

Cascade Call Spoke 1 & Spoke 6: Appointment of Selection Committee

We inform you that, by Rectoral Decree no. 3540/2023 Prot. no. 0136236 of 27/12/2023, the composition of the Selection Committee for the evaluation of the proposals submitted in response to the Cascade Call - Spoke 1 & Spoke 6 has been updated....

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