Rome Technopole with Rome Expo 2030 mission to Panama

Congresso Asociación Panameña para el Avance de la Ciencia (APANAC)

The Rome Technopole Foundation is participating in the academic-scientific delegation accompanying the Expo 2030 Rome mission to Panama for the Apanac 2023 Congress.

Professor Raffaele Marchetti will represent our foundation during the mission

The 19th National Congress of Science and Technology (APANAC 2023), held in Panama Sept. 26-29, is an opportunity to share national and international experiences, establish new research partnerships, and promote knowledge on development and innovation.

Scientific community, business, academia and government agencies meet around sustainable development issues in a context of synergistic collaboration.

The Apanac 2023 Congress will feature several Italian professors and the Expo Rome 2023 Foundation‘s campaign, which also addresses biodiversity issues, will be presented.
