Sapienza training on soft skills for Young Researchers

Sapienza University of Rome
Data dell'evento: 7 November 2023
Fine dell'evento: 15 December 2023

Sapienza University of Rome is organizing a transversal training program on soft skills, aimed at enhancing the training path of Young Researchers (PhD students, research fellows, RTDa, RTDb), increasingly aimed at a job market not only in academia. The training offer is also aimed at all participants of the ROME TECHNOPOLE project.

The 2023 edition contemplates topics ranging from how to participate in European R&I funding programs to tools for the exploitation and management of research results, from the protection of Intellectual Property to the ethical implications of research, from science communication to Third Mission, from entrepreneurship to scientific computing tools and Big Data.

The cross-curricular training will take place via ZOOM over 6 weeks starting November 7, 2023.

  • Registration is required to participate in each Module.
  • For more info go HERE.
